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Combo Fender 231 1000 000 – Frontman 10 G – 120v

Avaliado como 4.93 de 5, com baseado em 59 avaliações de clientes
(60 avaliações de clientes)

R$ 949,00

Informações sobre o produto

Detalhes técnicos

Marca ‎Fender Fabricante ‎Fender Modelo ‎2311000000 Ano ‎2019 Número da peça ‎2311000000 Tipo Do Produto ‎Eletrônicos Número de unidades ‎1 Potência de saída em Watts ‎10 Baterias inclusas ‎Não Funciona com baterias ‎Não Inclui adaptador Ac ‎Não Inclui controle remoto ‎Não Peso do produto ‎3.86 kg Número do modelo ‎2311000000 EAN ‎0717669568405, 6547900130535, 0602003605284, 4995930138823, 0684191199608, 0717669568771 Dimensões do produto ‎14.61 x 26.04 x 27.94 cm; 3.86 Quilogramas


Informações adicionais

Dimensões do pacote 34.7 x 28.9 x 18.1 centímetros ASIN B001L8PIFW Disponível para compra desde 26 agosto 2019 Avaliações de clientes 4,6 de 5 estrelas

10.830 avaliações de clientes

4,6 de 5 estrelas Ranking dos mais vendidos Nº 12,475 em Eletrônicos (Conheça o Top 100 na categoria Eletrônicos)

Nº 728 em Acessórios para Sistemas de Som para Casa

Descontinuado pelo fabricante Não



Marca ‎Fender

Fabricante ‎Fender

Modelo ‎2311000000

Ano ‎2019

Número da peça ‎2311000000

Tipo Do Produto ‎Eletrônicos

Número de unidades ‎1

Potência de saída em Watts ‎10

Baterias inclusas ‎Não

Funciona com baterias ‎Não

Inclui adaptador Ac ‎Não

Inclui controle remoto ‎Não

Peso do produto ‎3.86 kg

Número do modelo ‎2311000000

EAN ‎0717669568405, 6547900130535, 0602003605284, 4995930138823, 0684191199608, 0717669568771

Dimensões do produto ‎14.61 x 26.04 x 27.94 cm; 3.86 Quilogramas

Dimensões do pacote 34.7 x 28.9 x 18.1 centímetros


Disponível para compra desde 26 agosto 2019

Avaliações de clientes /* * Fix for UDP-1061. Average customer reviews has a small extra line on hover * https://omni-grok.amazon.com/xref/src/appgroup/websiteTemplates/retail/SoftlinesDetailPageAssets/udp-intl-lock/src/legacy.css?indexName=WebsiteTemplates#40 */ .noUnderline a:hover { text-decoration: none; } .cm-cr-review-stars-spacing-big { margin-top: 1px; } 4,6 de 5 estrelas 10.830 avaliações de clientes P.when(‘A’, ‘ready’).execute(function(A) { A.declarative(‘acrLink-click-metrics’, ‘click’, { “allowLinkDefault” : true }, function(event){ if(window.ue) { ue.count(“acrLinkClickCount”, (ue.count(“acrLinkClickCount”) || 0) + 1); } }); }); P.when(‘A’, ‘cf’).execute(function(A) { A.declarative(‘acrStarsLink-click-metrics’, ‘click’, { “allowLinkDefault” : true }, function(event){ if(window.ue) { ue.count(“acrStarsLinkWithPopoverClickCount”, (ue.count(“acrStarsLinkWithPopoverClickCount”) || 0) + 1); } }); }); 4,6 de 5 estrelas

Ranking dos mais vendidos Nº 12,475 em Eletrônicos (Conheça o Top 100 na categoria Eletrônicos) Nº 728 em Acessórios para Sistemas de Som para Casa

Descontinuado pelo fabricante Não


O amplificador Frontman® 10G proporciona uma excelente sonoridade. Este pequeno notável carrega o inconfundível visual Fender® Blackface™. Falante de 6″ Fender® Special Design com um preciso ajuste de ganho, para simular desde uma pequena saturação até uma encorpada e pesada distorção de Hard Rock. Destaque também para o cristalino e incomparável som limpo Fender®. A entrada P2 stéreo possibilita você usar seu amplificador com o seu media-player. Você também contará com a saída P2 estéreo de fone de ouvido, para poder praticar e estudar silenciosamente.

– 10 Watts de potência

– Falante de 6″ Fender® Special Design

– Acabamento em vinil preto

– EQ 2 bandas

– Saída P2 para fones de ouvido

– Entrada AUX para conctar uma fonte sonora externa (CD/MP3)

– Profundidade: 14,6 cm

– Largura: 26 cm

– Altura: 27,9 cm

– Peso: 3,8 kg




Inclui controle remoto


Ranking dos mais vendidos

Nº 12,475 em Eletrônicos (Conheça o Top 100 na categoria Eletrônicos) Nº 728 em Acessórios para Sistemas de Som para Casa

Avaliações de clientes

* Fix for UDP-1061. Average customer reviews has a small extra line on hover
* https://omni-grok.amazon.com/xref/src/appgroup/websiteTemplates/retail/SoftlinesDetailPageAssets/udp-intl-lock/src/legacy.css?indexName=WebsiteTemplates#40
.noUnderline a:hover {
text-decoration: none;

.cm-cr-review-stars-spacing-big {
margin-top: 1px;

4,6 de 5 estrelas
10.830 avaliações de clientes
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4,6 de 5 estrelas

Disponível para compra desde

26 agosto 2019



Dimensões do pacote

34.7 x 28.9 x 18.1 centímetros

Dimensões do produto

‎14.61 x 26.04 x 27.94 cm; 3.86 Quilogramas


‎0717669568405, 6547900130535, 0602003605284, 4995930138823, 0684191199608, 0717669568771

Número do modelo


Peso do produto

‎3.86 kg

Inclui adaptador Ac




Funciona com baterias


Baterias inclusas


Potência de saída em Watts


Número de unidades


Tipo Do Produto


Número da peça






Descontinuado pelo fabricante


60 avaliações para Combo Fender 231 1000 000 – Frontman 10 G – 120v

  1. Avaliação 5 de 5

    Ashwin Mascarenhas

    Great product

    It’s worth the price

    1 pessoa achou isso útil

  2. Avaliação 5 de 5

    Malcolm Hamilton

    A Perfect Personal Amp

    This little amp is perfect for my room.

  3. Avaliação 5 de 5

    Brian C Kelly

    EXACTLY what I was looking for.

    Such big sound from such a little amp. I have been tooling around with an acoustic guitar for a few years. I had interest in buying an electric guitar but money is tight so it was on hold. Then I won an electric guitar in a raffle! Neat but basically useless without an amp. I searched around for a while then I saw the pricetag on this amp. Seems reasonable. Then I saw the dimentions. This thing is barely a foot tall! I know Fender has a repuation for quality so I thought I’d give it a shot. I couldn’t believe my ears the first time I plugged it. I’ve never even turned it up past 8 for fear of annoying ALL my neighbors! The sound is clean (unless of course you hit the built in overdrive switch) and loud and I love that there is a headphone jack so I can practice any time I want without annoying the whole family. When I’m done, I can toss it in any closet. Perfect for what I was looking for.

    2 pessoas acharam isso útil

  4. Avaliação 5 de 5

    Brent Jatko

    Good basic amplifier

    I’m going back to play my electric guitar after my stroke. When I went to the hospital in 2008 my wife got rid of my amplifier and I had to get a new one.I’m now trying to find free or inexpensive lessons online.

    3 pessoas acharam isso útil

  5. Avaliação 5 de 5

    R. Peskett

    Welcome to the wonderful, inspiring universe of modeling amps

    I love the tone and versatility of this amp. It’s my first, and I’m just a dabbler. I use ti to practice, alone. Almost perfect, for that. Plenty of undistorted volume, for me. It’s my first amp. Although most of the preset modeling amps it comes with are not my taste, I have discovered about five that I could spend hours and hours with. They are wonderful. Inspiring. This amp has reverb and delay, and a bunch of other ways of changing the signal that I don’t yet understand. With each preset “amp” model it comes with, you can adjust many aspects and save it as a new setting. It has a tiny LCD display that indicates which amp model is being used. The down side is that when I adjust the volume of any amp model, it seems to prompt for saving, instead of just operating at the new volume. This might be a matter of just learning how to use it, but it is inconvenient for me. I would buy this, again, without hesitation. Someday, I’ll also get a tube amp.

  6. Avaliação 5 de 5

    Bri Guy

    Great Bass Sound and it is very light

    Great Bass Sound and it is very light. Is everything I ever wanted in a bass speaker.

    1 pessoa achou isso útil

  7. Avaliação 5 de 5

    Judith Brown

    Spot on

    Near unit and spot on just the job

  8. Avaliação 5 de 5


    Not a bad practice amp

    Decent amp

  9. Avaliação 5 de 5

    Calbourne Lathrop

    Perfect… Exactly what I needed.

    I love everything about this amplifier. Perfect size for my needs… The only problem it doesn’t make me any better guitar player, lol. Guess that will come with practice. 😉

    6 pessoas acharam isso útil

  10. Avaliação 5 de 5

    James Robertson

    What can

    One say about a Fender Amp? I use this in the living room, it doesn’t blow the windows out, but gives a nice rich sound, that is perfect for living room jams.I have another amp, that is three times the size of thew Frontman, but just doesn’t have the Fender sound. For less than two hundred dollars how could one complain?

    3 pessoas acharam isso útil

  11. Avaliação 1 de 5

    Thiago M.


    Meu produto foi cancelado, deram um prazo de 3 a 5 dias para o estorno do cartão e já se passou quase 1 mês e nada. Inclusive peguei a fatura sem o estorno. Decepcionante.

    5 pessoas acharam isso útil

  12. Avaliação 5 de 5

    kacey kkacey k

    Perfect little amp for home use

    I’ve owned my classical guitar and baritone uke for a couple of years and both came with pickups for an amp. Took me this long to finally start the search for the right amp for my needs – which is for home use, for my own pleasure. I had no idea what to expect since I’ve had zero experience with amps, so did a lot of looking on Amazon and narrowed it down to either Orange and Fender. I went with Fender because of its reputation and they had the best price for a 10W amp, and honestly, I didn’t want that ugly orange thing in my living room. Ha!Today I tried both my guitar and uke with this little amp and was blown away with how much better they sound plugged in! I experienced no buzz or feedback as other have described. It can go from pretty soft to very loud with no distortion. I love the treble/bass controls that really make them both sound deeper and richer. It has other features that I will never use in my setting with these instruments. I imagine that even for a small, intimate venue, this little amp would be sufficient for a classical guitar or uke.It’s small, but not too small. Lightweight, but with a substantial feel. The handle on top makes it easy to carry wherever it needs to go, but fits perfectly under my desk next to my guitar, taking up very little space, and that’s where it will stay. I think the price is very reasonable for it’s class, and you can’t beat the Fender name for quality amps. I may not know much about amps, but I know what sounds good, and this one does!So, if someone is looking for a small, but powerful amp for home use, this one is worth a try. Tip – If its “shipped from/sold by” Amazon (rather than 3rd-party seller), it will be easier to return if you don’t like it. But I’m very pleased with my purchase; it’s a keeper.

    4 pessoas acharam isso útil

  13. Avaliação 5 de 5


    Wasn’t expecting a whole lot for the price but was quite surprised

    Got this amp for someone just starting out playing the guitar and didn’t want to pay a ton in case they didn’t stick with it.Went with this fender because of their reputation and I was actually really surprised by how nice it sounded.It looks/feels much more “solid” in person vs the pictures and it has a nice range (the controls actually do something vs cheaper ones where I pretty sure they are just decorative).I think this was a good buy and not only would I recommend it, I wouldn’t even bother looking at alternatives if I have need for another small amp.

  14. Avaliação 5 de 5

    Hawk eye

    A clean little amp that won’t distract you with features

    I’ve had numerous amps over my 10+ years of toying around on guitar and electric bass. It’s more than fair to say I have Gear Acquisition Syndrome (GAS), but I like to think I’ve toned down somewhat (pun fully intended).Among my arsenal in the “practice amp” section is a Blackstar HT-1R combo, a Yamaha THR-10, and my 5 watt Ampeg tube amp whose model name eludes me at the moment.So why this amp? Anyone whose spent time even researching amps can say the amps I listed are better than this little Frontman.The nitty gritty: I wanted a clean simple amp that isn’t expensive, since it’s in a place that could see it get damaged.Yep, that’s it. Why not just play my Ampeg or HT-1R? The Ampeg is surprisingly loud for it’s low-wattage stature, so I rarely get a chance to crank it up. My Blackstar WAS my bedroom practice amp (which is what this Fender is now), until a niece nearly spilled a drink on it. It’s hiding downstairs in my studio, away from kids and liquids now. While I appreciate the THR-10’s compact size, I only have floor space for amps, so I rarely get to hear the amp at ear level. Plus, although it has a convincing Fender-like clean, it’s digital effects mean I spend more time toying with amp channels and effects than I do practicing.This amp is for practice, but that doesn’t mean it sounds bad! I’m very partial to Fender’s cleans, so that, along with the amp’s low price and simplicity, gave me an excuse to fuel my syndrome.Since this amp is solid state, I can just plug in and turn it on. No waiting for tubes to warm up. It has a two band EQ and NO effects, so I spend more time PLAYING my guitar rather than fiddling with the amp. It can get plenty loud to offend folks in nearby rooms, but it’s still a lot quieter than my Ampeg. Plus, I have access to Fender clean tones again!! No this amp isn’t as nice as a ’57 Champ (I used to have an Eric Clapton model), and it isn’t as clean as a Twin (had a brief privileged chance to play one for a bit) but I like the fact this doesn’t model anything. It’s a Fender amp. Done. No frills.I exclusively use this amp on it’s clean channel. The Overdrive channel….. I don’t like it. It sounds WAY TOO compressed. There’s no overtones, no nuances in the OD channel’s tone that make it shine. I can’t fault Fender for that too much though. They built this practice amp for a younger, less experienced audience. To my ears, it sounds bad, but my 10 year old niece thinks I sound like a rock god when I strum power chords while playing through the OD channel.Yep, I can hear someone: “Does it take pedals?” Yeah, any amp will. Some just do it better than others. Keep this amp on the clean channel and it LOVES pedals. I’m running my TC Electronics Hall of Fame reverb into it now, and am swapping out different OD and Distortion pedals to see which one I’ll leave by the amp since I don’t like it’s built in overdrive. The reverb pedal sounds wonderful and on a spring setting, really gives the amp a more authentic Fender vibe (again, pun intended).So yeah, I didn’t need another amp. But I’m happy my Blackstar is in a safer room, I’m happy I have an amp that produces Fender clean tones, I’m happy I didn’t spend a lot of money. I’m happy it doesn’t take up very much floor space, the household members are happy I won’t blast the windows out of the house. Plus I’m spending my playing sessions actually playing my guitar instead of toying with effects.I bring that up a few times because I see other reviewers comparing this humble amp to it’s fuller featured Champion brother amps. Yep, you’ll get more bang for the buck by getting a Champion. But do you REALLY need all it’s effects and channels? Really? I used to insist that I needed it all, and here I am, with several amps and I wouldn’t mind having more to try and placate my endless search for tone.If you’re serious about playing guitar, PLAY GUITAR. Don’t worry about channels, effects, and such. You can learn to use them later on, but when you skimp on productive guitar practice, all the effects in the world can’t save you from a critic that has sharp, trained ears.

    65 pessoas acharam isso útil

  15. Avaliação 5 de 5

    Charlie “Chuck” BrownCharlie “Chuck” Brown

    Very Good Cost Effective Low Volume Amp.

    My neighbor helps me with yard work and owed him like half of what amp cost. I recall getting the total fender kit for nephew years back and was very impressed with quality. Guy next door is a very good guitarist but never owned an amp. This pic says everything you need to know when I surprised him with it. Dont forget to get a decent 20 foot TRS cord. Make someones day!

  16. Avaliação 5 de 5



    As a beginner myself, this was pretty cheap compared to some of the other ones out there and other brands and came from a pretty reliable and popular brand for guitars, so I chose this one. The sound is pretty good, though the overdrive is as the other reviews say, a bit grainy and crackly. There isnt a middle knob, which kind of sucks but overall has good features and works well as a nice little cheap and simple practice amp.

    2 pessoas acharam isso útil

  17. Avaliação 5 de 5

    Megan Norman

    Works great

    Works great . Perfect for a person that is looking for a good sound and quality. Good starter

  18. Avaliação 5 de 5


    Ok for beginners

    Ok for beginners

    1 pessoa achou isso útil

  19. Avaliação 5 de 5

    Malaysia McCutheon

    OMG I love it!!!

    It works so well!! I’m a beginner and I’m looking forward to the journey!! 😊

  20. Avaliação 5 de 5


    Wow at the sound

    Great sounding little amp. If you are a beginner or just need something small to practice on it’s wonderful.

  21. Avaliação 5 de 5


    Good for starters

    I’m just starting out and it’s a good product. Produces the sound you want, but sounds a little staticky.

    1 pessoa achou isso útil

  22. Avaliação 5 de 5

    Sarah B

    Great product

    I had a fender amp already but it broke so i thought i’d upgrade. I really love the size and how it’s easy to store away. Also it gets great sound!

  23. Avaliação 5 de 5


    Buena calidad

    Para usarlo en casa es perfecto, depende mucho de donde lo colocques, acústica etc…Suena muy bien, estoy contento con el.

  24. Avaliação 5 de 5

    Noah Cicero


    It sounds lame but somebody said to get a cheap reverb so I did and I got a compressor pedal as well and it sounds amazing.

  25. Avaliação 5 de 5

    peter s.

    Great for the money

    What a shock. Bought it while my head is being repaired.Very happy, I mean it is a practice amp but it is very loud.

  26. Avaliação 5 de 5

    Harris Goodyear

    Good Quality

    Very compact and output is really good for its size!

  27. Avaliação 5 de 5


    OK….3 1/2 Stars

    Overall, not a bad little amp. Thumbs up on price, and on that classic Fender look. Sounds decent clean, but if you’re looking for more than a little classic rock fuzz it is definitely lacking. If you’re looking for something raunchier (heavier) sounding then definitely look elsewhere.

  28. Avaliação 5 de 5


    Un piccolo gioiellino

    Davvero utile, bello e funzionale. Comprato per il basso elettrico di mio figlio per allenarsi a casa. Regolazione volume. Non contiene jack comprato a parte sempre su amazon . Sicuramente lo ricomprerei. L’errore casa magari avrei scelto uno meno potente ma magari gli servirà anche fuori e sarà Sicuramente utile

  29. Avaliação 5 de 5

    Mapuia Af Hnamte


    Worth the price, a decent one for its price range

  30. Avaliação 5 de 5

    Travis Christensen

    Good little guitar amp

    Bought it to go with a little kids guitar we bought (Loog guitar 3 string) just enough power to be heard but not over bearing. Very simple to operate and the headphone jack is convenient to help if you want to keep it quiet. Great buy

  31. Avaliação 5 de 5

    Beena verma

    Good for the price, but lacks a few things

    Amp is good and does everything you would expect from a fender amp of this size but then missing things arelack of a Indian styled plug, it comes with a UK,CA style plug and you have to buy a converter to use it.Lack of a delay effect, although the Sustain is good but having delay would make it better.

  32. Avaliação 5 de 5


    Petit mais efficace

    L’amplificateur est petit donc parfait pour le rangement. Par contre sa puissance est limite. Il est super pour pratiquer chez soi.

  33. Avaliação 5 de 5

    Nerwin Di

    My son really like this amplifier.

    The sounds is really nice,. Recommended

  34. Avaliação 5 de 5

    Katie thompson


    Maybe i didn’t read the description but it is so much smaller than I thought. Very portable size.

  35. Avaliação 5 de 5


    I LOVE IT!!

    A mídia não pôde ser carregada.

     it’s super super cute, decent size not to big not too small ! easy to cary around but promotes the best sound ! great one for beginners and advanced guitarists. i attached a video so people could see how it sounds , this was on about level 5 volume. with full bass and full treble and no gain. I LOVE IT !!!

    17 pessoas acharam isso útil

  36. Avaliação 5 de 5

    Cliente Amazon

    Acquisto soddisfacente

    Rapporto qualità prezzo ottimo.È da uso studio, chiaramente occorre non aspettarsi più di tanto , ma il suono è pulito .Ottimo acquisto , avendone provati altri anche leggermente più potenti lo consiglio !

  37. Avaliação 5 de 5


    Amazing and loud

    I didn’t think it would be this big and loud, good surprise and especially for 80 bucks. The sound controls are so nice.

  38. Avaliação 5 de 5

    Kaylee hoffner

    Good amp.

    Great amp for an electric guitar.

  39. Avaliação 5 de 5

    Amazon Customer

    Exactly what I was looking for

    Not too big not too small

  40. Avaliação 5 de 5


    Good little amp, easily improved. Remember to adjust your pickup heights.

    What the other reviewers have said is true: the clean tones are pretty good, the distortion is not so good, the volume is more than enough for practice, and the tiny size makes it very portable and extremely user friendly. Also, as compared to my tube Fender Champion 600, it is much quieter, as one would expect from a solid state amp. Because the Champ drives me nuts with all of its odd hums, pops, and buzzes, and because I really don’t want to lay out a couple of hundred bucks right now to experiment with a bunch of different tubes, I got this amp as a quieter practice amp that I might tinker with. So, soon after buying it, I replaced its speaker with the Italian-made Jensen Modern series 6″ 4 ohm (“MOD 6-15”) unit also available from amazon, which ironically is often bought to improve the sound of the Champion. Now the clean tone is very good, with a hint of the “chirp” or “crunch” I get from the Champion with sharp pick attacks, though without the overall tube warmth. The distortion is a little less disastrous if you keep the gain at 5 or below, but all I really care about is the clean tone. The new speaker produces more volume and clarity at a given setting so I can get a reasonably loud sound without turning up the Telecaster volume control past the point where the single coil hum kicks in. This modification took all of 5 minutes to do. So, with $59 in the amp and $29 in the speaker, I’ve got a tiny $88 amp with pretty darn good clean sound and minimal noise. Now I’m trying to figure out if I really want to keep the Champion, though I probably will given how special the tube sound is. Even if you don’t do this easy modification, it’s important to remember to adjust your pickup heights slowly and methodically to get the maximum clarity out of the amp. For those of you who might have gotten this amp as starter unit or as part of a beginner’s package, consider the speaker change. It really does help. After the “transplant,” with amp volume at 4.5, treble at 5, bass at 3.5 and my guitar volume control at about 2/3, this little amp doesn’t sound tiny or “tinny” at all. It easily fills my living room with that classic Telecaster twang!

    13 pessoas acharam isso útil

  41. Avaliação 5 de 5

    Texas KnowHow

    Good, reliable mini amp that deliver nice output for solo practice sessions

    I am a semi-newbie guitar player and I play my deep blue Fender Squire through this amp. I usually keep the volume at 3 but it can get really loud if needed. I will venture into the higher volume realms when I can pull off some decent playing in the garage and make my neighbors bang their heads on their fence to my rocking fingers.This little guy is easy to tote around and leave a very small footprint, yet delivers a nice sound and output for my solo practice sessions in the garage, back bedroom, or study. I was actually surprised by how small it is, but the sound and loudness were what I was looking for in a personal, solo practice amp. Though it is NOT loud enough when jammin’ with a drummer. It has a rudimentary piece of Velcro on the back to keep the plug stored when transporting or storing. It is your typical grounded wall outlet plug. The amp box has metal corners in case of drops or bumps. NO amp to guitar cord included, so plan accordingly. The black and the blue versions are the same specs, you just pay more for the blue. It came the next day with PRIME, and was shipped in the factory Fender shipping box; it arrived undamaged. It is the best $70 amp out there. For a slightly cheaper competitor, in this 10w range, you may want to look into and consider the Donner amp. I would not go cheaper or lesser-known name on a guitar amp though.

    5 pessoas acharam isso útil

  42. Avaliação 5 de 5

    Davide bosoni

    Amplificatore buono e ad un costo sostenibile

    Sicuramente ci sono impianti più performanti e fedeli ma come entry level ottimo anche per il prezzo

  43. Avaliação 5 de 5

    Theo Winston

    Sounds good, louder than expected

    Nice little amp. Bigger and louder than expected for 10 watts

  44. Avaliação 5 de 5

    Lisa J

    Nice little amp

    Got it for my grandchild to go with her Ibanez mikro guitar. Perfect kid size or for adults who want a small amp.

  45. Avaliação 5 de 5



    Great quality and snd for the size and price

  46. Avaliação 5 de 5


    Worth the money

    Husband loves it. Got it for him for Christmas!! Works great!

  47. Avaliação 5 de 5

    John Douglas

    Good starter amp

    Good price good size good for beginner or small functions

  48. Avaliação 5 de 5

    Big ALBig AL

    Great Little Amp!

    Great practice amp. Clean or overdrive mode. Headphone Jack, aux audio input Jack. I took the back cover off to take a peek inside. Looks like good quality build.

    7 pessoas acharam isso útil

  49. Avaliação 5 de 5

    Trumpet 7

    Great little amp

    I play a lot of trumpet in different venues. I don’t use an amp, but I play with other musicians who do. Recently my adult sons gave me my first electric guitar ( I have played acoustic guiitar for years), and I got this amp to go with it. I’ve been around a lot of great amps with professional musicians and I didn’t expect much from this little Fender amp. But I was pleasantly surprised. It’s a great practice amp. It’s easy to carry around. I may even take it to a real gig some time. So far, no problems at all.

  50. Avaliação 5 de 5



    Would buy again

  51. Avaliação 5 de 5


    Great amplifier .

    The amplifier sounds great. Better quality from the one that was original purchase .

  52. Avaliação 5 de 5


    Great little bedroom amp, only with help

    Most small $100 range amps just don’t sound good. Period. A lot of that has to do with a dry signal going through a small speaker, so it’s difficult to get something you can hear, and at the same time, isn’t harsh or honky sounding. The magic ingredient for worthwhile tone: a reverb pedal. Even if it’s the cheapest one out there, believe me, it’ll make a world of difference. If this is going to be your first amp especially, get a reverb pedal! Besides having an unplayable guitar, the next worst thing to experience as a new player, is bad tone from a small amp, and having even the smallest bit of verb on there will at least give you something you can live with. That said, no need to ever put Gain above 3, even for the dirty channel, as it starts breaking up in a bad way. And FFS, it’s a 6″ speaker, so there’s never a good reason to dime the volume either! Happy cleanish tones live around Gain at 2 on the O.D. channel, and everything else about half way. Clean, clean tones just depend on how the guitar is set in combination with the amp. You just have to tweak it until you find the sweet spot for the guitar.

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  53. Avaliação 5 de 5



    A mídia não pôde ser carregada.

     This amp did exactly what he’s supposed to and I love the option so easy to connect and simple to keep clean. The sound quality was great. Perfect for an electric guitar. I try to be as honest and informative about the product as I can. If you do decide to buy the product, I hope the information you find in this review make it easier to make your decision.

  54. Avaliação 5 de 5


    Great Amp

    I like the simplicity of this amp. Volume is great and easy to use. I’ve been using it for months and haven’t had any problems with it. It’s a good amp for indoors practices and outdoors performances.

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  55. Avaliação 5 de 5


    I love it

    I love this amp, it had great quality. Not the highest quality, but I am able to play my electric guitar with it, you have to mess with it and find out what settings you like so you don’t over do the sound and get static. That problem also came from brand new cord plug ins and I no longer have that problem. I wanted a small amp to fit under my desk and have in my room. This amp is just for fun and I do not play for a band.

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  56. Avaliação 5 de 5

    R S Cobblestone

    Smaller and heavier than expected. Using with Fender uke

    I’m a novice when it comes to amps, as I play acoustic ukuleles and guitars. But I have 2 ukes wired for amplification, one of which is a Fender. I was underwhelmed with the weal sound of my Fender uke, so I wondered if it really was designed for an amp, and I believe it was. My other electric uke doesn’t sound as good linked to this amp, so… Fender is as Fender does.The amp is smaller than I expected, which was good for me. It’s easy to use, but I really haven’t mastered the nuances of the gain. One plug in. A plug for headphones. The thing is heavier than expected, but construction seems robust. The handle really is not functional, so I use it to hold excess cable.

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  57. Avaliação 5 de 5


    Great for a clean tone, not much more than that.

    I’ve been using this as a portable amp since about November and it has its ups and downs. It is extremely portable which is very convenient and it looks great, but you can’t really get a good tone with it. The clean tone sounds great, but the OD mode is honestly not that good and you can’t really get anything close to a grunge/metal tone. Recently, I’ve been letting my drummer use the amp because he uses an electric kit and as I said before it sounds great clean. But if you are for a guitarist who wants a heavy and/or very distorted tone, this is not the right amp for you.

  58. Avaliação 5 de 5


    Very nice to practice on.

    This small, lightweight amp is a great amp to set up to practice on. I don’t think it’s necessarily only for beginners to practice on. The amp delivers a nice, clean sound as promised. The knobs are easy to turn and feel high quality. No power cord needed, it comes connected. You only have treble, bass, gain, and volume to play with. Without the ability to change around mids, the overall sound you will be able to produce will be a bit less versatile. There is an overdrive setting, but no additional distortion or other effects. An effects pedal works nicely as an alternative to what is built in. I would not use this for more than practicing. I have not put the volume to the test, but I can’t imagine it would compete with drums (as a drummer myself). The amp is your standard “small” size and very lightweight.I upgraded from a Gorilla 30 watt from the 80s, so I might be a bit happier with this than the next person.

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  59. Avaliação 5 de 5


    Good for your money.

    It’s a nice amp, a little smaller than I expected but it works fine. It’s not professional sound quality, but works if you’re just practicing.

  60. Avaliação 5 de 5

    Jeffrey Hucker jr

    Great amp

    Works Great especially for its size it’s compact wasn’t as big as I thought it would be but it has great sound still loud enough could be a little bit louder but very happy with it I happy with my purchase

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